Integrated mission
A structurally-integrated mission is a mission (either peacekeeping or political) in which one of the deputy heads of mission simultaneously serves as the resident coordinator, who leads the United Nations country team, and—in some cases—also the humanitarian coordinator, who is responsible for leading and coordinating the efforts of humanitarian organizations (both UN and non-UN). Both peacekeeping and special political missions can be integrated missions.
Integrated missions emerged following the end of the Cold War after the United Nations increasingly found itself called to engage in complex emergencies with political, military, humanitarian and developmental aspects, though the label itself did not emerge until after the issuance of the Brahimi report in 2000.[1]
- Note from the Secretary-General: Guidance on Integrated Missions (February 2006)
- United Nations Policy on Integrated Assessment and Planning (April 2013)
- Integrated Assessment and Planning Handbook (December 2013)